dimanche 23 décembre 2012

Daisy Miller

Daisy Miller
Daisy Miller
Henry James (Auteur)

Download : EUR 0,00 (as of 12/23/2012 12:04 PST)

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Description du produit

Tor Classics are affordably-priced editions designed to attract the young reader. Original dynamic cover art enthusiastically represents the excitement of each story. Appropriate "reader friendly" type sizes have been chosen for each title—offering clear, accurate, and readable text. All editions are complete and unabridged.

American teenager Daisy miller was on a holiday--and Europe might never recover. From Switzerland to Rome, she caused scandals everywhere: because Daisy Miller did whatever she wanted, with whomever she wanted, whenever she chose. And she truly didn't care what society thought.

But Winterbourne, a dignified, proper, upper-crust young man, was utterly fascinated by her. To the horror of his relatives and friends, Winterbourne helplessly followed Daisy across a continent. Even though Daisy was too much woman for WInterbourne to every understand...

And even though Daisy Miller might be a danger to herself.

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